Wednesday, November 9, 2011

A fruitful experience!

Does it seem like nearly everyone you know lately has come down with something? A cough that won't go away, a terrible cold, the flu, a bit of strep throat? It sure seems that way to us! Aside from all the usual advice like getting lots of rest and frequent hand-washing to help keep germs at bay, there is another way to help strengthen your immune system, particularly at this time of year: eat more fruit. Sure, you can get your vitamins in pill form, but why not get them directly from the source? Did you know that fruits are loaded with vitamins, antioxidants and fiber while being low in calories? Citrus fruits, berries, apples and bananas are all excellent, natural weapons in the fight against colds and flu.

Healthy eating was on our minds today when we dropped into the Jet Cafe for a visit. As much as we were craving comfort food, we decided to look at some of the other options on the menu. We had noticed the fruit smoothie on the menu during our last visit and decided that today was as good a day as any to forego our usual coffee and give it a try. After much deliberation, we ordered the wildberry fruit smoothie.

The wildberry smoothie was like a frosted bit of heaven. We had ours with ice but you could have yogurt or even a banana mixed in. Less than 200 calories per serving, with 100% of the recommended daily dose of vitamin C, just $3.85, and it is packed with flavour.

We found that we wanted to sip and savour the smoothie, rather than chug it down quickly. It was rich without being too sweet and felt almost like a dessert. For an extra fifty cents, you can have a scoop of whey added to yours.

Apparently whey protein fruit smoothies are a popular pick for the early-morning crowd, people who have just worked out or those who want a meal on the go.

In addition to the smoothie, we decided to have a large fruit salad for our late-morning breakfast. Ordering fruit salad can be a gamble in some places. Sometimes it consists of canned fruit, swimming in syrup or soggy, browned offerings better off in the green bin. We watched as ours was made fresh on the spot. Fruit was peeled and sliced and piled into our bowl.

Fresh kiwi, banana, watermelon, cantaloupe, orange and pineapple were piled high and perfectly ripe. If ever there was a dish to help keep you healthy, this is it...and all for only $3.25!

It felt as if there must be at least two servings of fruit in our salad alone. We have to note that the seedless oranges were perfectly peeled so that there was none of that horrible white part invading our meal. Overall, we found it to be both satisfying and filling. It was a delicious, light breakfast and just what we needed today.

There are brand new tables and chairs at the Jet Cafe! They're shiny and bigger and very comfortable...come check them out for yourself! While we miss the license plate print on the seats, we do like the high backs. On our way out, we noticed this print:

Excuse the poor quality; it is hard to get a non-reflective shot! This print just seemed so light and lively and fresh.

If you're going to Gore Park for the Remembrance Day ceremonies on Friday, be sure to stop in for something warm to take with you beforehand or a bite to eat after. 

See you soon at Jet Cafe!

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